Soul and Soil Based Living


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Organic Olive OIL Community Supported Olives!

One question we are asking now is how much do we harvest? The local olive presses also require we harvest a minimum (the scale of the press otherwise it's not worth turning it on). We also need to harvest a minimum to cover the cost of the press, harvesting gear, and manpower. This is where you, our community come in! Pre-orders are open now! Help us plan ahead! Interested In helping out on harvesting day? Book in to receive a discount on your olive oil!
We've been checking out this year's harvest and it looks very promising! Here's the deal. Let's say we need 5kg of olives to make 1 litre of beautiful organic oil. We are currently guestimating that enough of our trees are growing 20-30kg each some of the more productive varieties might have 40kg. That's 4-8 letters of oil per tree approximately.
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