Kohl Rabi

Kohl Rabi

Very young and tender, the small bulbs of baby kohlrabi have green-white flesh. The firm flesh of this immature vegetable offers a very agreeable, delicate mustard flavour and is juicier, sweeter, crispier and more delicate than a turnip. Peel, slice, dice or julienne for salads. Shred or grate to add extra flavour to slaws and sauces. Steam, boil, braise, sauté or stir-fry. Kohlrabi is very high in Vitamin C and Potassium.

Storage: Wrap stems and leaves separately in plastic; refrigerate in a crisper drawer. For optimum flavour and texture, use within one week.

General Use: Kohlrabi can be substituted in recipes calling for radishes. Baby purple kohlrabi turns khaki-colored when cooked, losing its stunning lavender to violet colour. It also loses its skin-deep hue when peeled.

Salad: Combine grated kohlrabies with cabbage, apple, raisins and grapes, lightly drizzle oil and cider over the top. Gently toss and refrigerate for several hours to let the flavours mellow. Toss and serve.

Stir-Fried: Heat sesame oil in the wok and cook chopped onion, pak choi stems, cauliflower and kohlrabi cover for 2-3 minutes until softening. Add the pak choi leaves, the spinach/kale and carrot, cover and cook for a further 3 minutes. When the kohlrabi and cauliflower are cooked (these are the slowest), mix in your favourite stir fry sauce. Cook for another 2 minutes, until all vegetables are tender. Serve immediately with noodles or rice.

Steamed or Boiled: For this preparation don’t peel until after they are cooked. Steam or boil until bulbs are tender, peel skin, and season with butter, sea salt, and pepper, a cheese sauce, or just enjoy plain.

Stewed: Separate leaves from kohlrabi bulbs. Peel bulbs & cut into large chunks, de-rib leaves & cut into thin strips. Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add chopped onions & sauté for several minutes. Add kohlrabi bulbs, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, stock, bay leaf, oregano, sea salt, pepper, molasses & mustard. Turn up the heat to medium-high and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover & simmer for 15 minutes, or until not quite tender. Add kohlrabi leaves & simmer uncovered for 10 minutes, or until veggies are just cooked.

Kohlrabi recipe ideas

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall – Kohlrabi ideas

Kohlrabi recipes on the kitchn

Freda’s Kohlrabi loaf
This is an adaptation of my friend Lou’s famous cottage cheese loaf.
1 onion finely diced
200g container low fat cottage cheese (alternative – your favourite grated cheese)
4-5 eggs
1 cup grated kohlrabi
1 cup other grated veg of your choice (I used beetroot)
1 Tbsp tamari
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp organic veg stock
1 Tbsp spelt flour (optional)
1 tsp dried sage or 2 Tbsp fresh chopped sage
1 cup rolled oats
1 tsp kelp
handful chopped mushrooms
handful chopped sundried tomatoes (alternatively, throw in any favourite flavourful ingredient you like, e.g. seeds, nuts, etc) 
a few grinds of salt and pepper
  • Line a loaf tin with baking paper
  • In a bowl combine all the wet ingredients and mix well
  • Add the rolled oats and combine
  • Place the mixture in the loaf tin and bake at 180 degrees for 30–45 minutes
  • Serve hot or cold with fresh garden salad
Grated Kohlrabi coleslaw
1 cup grated kohlrabi
1 cup grated beetroot
1/2 apple, grated
sunflower seeds
chopped leafy greens from your organic veg box!
chopped garlic
lemon juice
olive oil
salt & pepper

zested fresh ginger